Spatial Design Embodies the Vision of the Project With Various Ideas, Materials,methods, and Aims to Excite Clients. It Spans a Wide Range of Fashion Brand, With Over 1000 Positive Achievements. Experience Values and the Number of Drawers of Ideas Are Highly Appreciated, and There Are Also Many repeaters. Also, It Also Has the Positive Effect of Making Brand’s worldview Through Collaboration With Various creators. Currently It Is Not Only design, but It Also Extends to branding and direction and by Utilizing Its Strengths, It Is Creating “super-standard” That Changes With the Times.
SUPER-STANDARDについて / 設立 2014 / 代表取締役 小森 宏治 / 業務内容 デザイン&ディレクション / 住所 〒542-0081 / 大阪市中央区南船場4-9-3東新ビル4F / 電話 06-6241-7665 / ファックス 06-6282-7359 / メンバー 宋 紗椰 , 貝戸 美穂 , 石井 奈菜子 , 中西 優季
経歴 / 2014 株式会社スーパースタンダード設立 / 2014〜2008 株式会社スウィング(デザインルーツと合併) / 2007〜2004 株式会社デザインルーツ / 2004〜2003 道下浩樹デザイン事務所、その後フリーにて活動 / 2000〜2002 株式会社英進
About super-standard / Found 2014 / President Koji Komori / Content Design&Direction / Address #542-0081 / 4-9-3-4f, minamisenba, Chuo-ku, osaka-city, osaka, Japan / Tel +81-6-6241-7665 / Fax +81-6-6282-7359 / Member Saya Son , Miho Kaito , Nanako Ishii , Yuki Nakanishi
Biography / 2014 Founded Super Standard Co., Ltd. / 2014-2008 Joined Swing Co., Ltd. / 2007-2004 Joined Design Roots Co., Ltd. / 2004-2003 Worked as a Freelancer After Joined / Hiroki Michishita Design Office Co., Ltd. / 2000-2002 Eishin Co., Ltd.